A fully personalized experience has been created for you to explore our vehicles in the showroom. Discover your favorite model and get in touch with our amazing features.
Vehicle radar
The C@Rshow app steers you straight to the showroom nearyou that has the desired models and options on the lot. Getactual offering, contact data, navigation data and openinghours conveniently.
Personal welcome
Don’t be a stranger when visiting the showroom of yourchoice. Simply register in the app and you will receive a warm welcome on arrival.Rest assured: data security in our app ecosystems is of the same ultimate priority as in our vehiclesafety standards.
Deep discovery
Explore what’s not immediately visible to the eye with the C@Rshow App. Dive under the bonnet virtually with the appand be guided through novelty equipment, comfort featuresand safety aspects.
Staff on demand
A personal consultation is only one click away on your app.You decide when it’s time for a professional consultant toenter the scene of your exciting car buying experience.